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RadioButtonSelfId Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for RadioButtonSelfId:

Public Member Functions

 __construct ($label=null, $flags=null, $val=null, $filterCriteria=null)
 val ($val=null)
 showView ($template=null)
 showList ($fill=true)
 showInput ($fill=false)

Data Fields

 $create = false
 $update = true
 $required = false
 $valudationNotAnOption = 'The value given is not a valid option'

Protected Attributes

 $options = array()
 $showValues = true
 $fetch = false
 $view = false

Detailed Description

Hidden para las tablas --- No imprime un label y manda un input hidden.

Ruben Schaffer
fix so val retuns the value and only the inputmethod retuns the hidden inpunt

Definition at line 29 of file RadioButtonSelfId.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

__construct ( label = null,
flags = null,
val = null,
filterCriteria = null 

search operands:


< >=


!= ~= ^= $=

Complex operations are just simple operations jointed with ANDs and ORs, so it'd be possible to create "Operators" objects that defines those complex operations.

(name > val1) OR (name < val2)

a <= x <= b a > x || x < b

  • Assings the Label, Flags, Value(val) and Serch operand if recibed
  • Calls user defined construct
string$labelHuman readable descrition of the atribute, it's intended to apear in forms and tables
string$flagsVCUSRLF flags sets when the Data will be used within an element {
See also:
mixed$valIf sended sets the value of the data since it's creation
string$searchOpDetermines how the data value will be cmpared/evalueted in queries to the Data Storage

Reimplemented from Data.

Definition at line 47 of file RadioButtonSelfId.php.

Member Function Documentation

showInput ( fill = false)

Reimplemented from Integer.

Definition at line 76 of file RadioButtonSelfId.php.

showList ( fill = true)

Definition at line 71 of file RadioButtonSelfId.php.

showView ( template = null)

Reimplemented from Data.

Definition at line 66 of file RadioButtonSelfId.php.

val ( val = null)

Reimplemented from Integer.

Definition at line 54 of file RadioButtonSelfId.php.

Field Documentation

$create = false

Reimplemented from Data.

Definition at line 38 of file RadioButtonSelfId.php.

$fetch = false [protected]

Reimplemented from Data.

Definition at line 34 of file RadioButtonSelfId.php.

$options = array() [protected]

Definition at line 31 of file RadioButtonSelfId.php.

$required = false

Reimplemented from Data.

Definition at line 40 of file RadioButtonSelfId.php.

$showValues = true [protected]

Definition at line 32 of file RadioButtonSelfId.php.

$update = true

Reimplemented from Data.

Definition at line 39 of file RadioButtonSelfId.php.

$valudationNotAnOption = 'The value given is not a valid option'

Definition at line 44 of file RadioButtonSelfId.php.

$view = false [protected]

Reimplemented from Data.

Definition at line 37 of file RadioButtonSelfId.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: